Thigh Area Aesthetics: Be Confident, Be Beautiful, Be You

The thigh area covers the area from the hip to the knee and has a significant role in body aesthetics. However, sagging and waving of the skin in this area over time can become an aesthetically disturbing problem for many people. Factors such as weight gain or loss, birth, sedentary lifestyle, and aging can accelerate skin loosening in the thigh area. Fortunately, these problems can be solved effectively thanks to plastic surgery methods.

What is a Thigh Lift Surgery?

Thigh Lift Surgery is an aesthetic surgery procedure performed to correct sagging and loose skin problems in the thigh area. This surgery aims to eliminate sagging skin caused by excessive weight gain or loss, aging, or genetic factors. With thigh lift surgery, excess skin is removed, and a tighter and more aesthetic appearance is achieved.

Surgery Methods

Thigh lift surgery can be performed by different methods:

  • Surgical Lift: Lifting is performed by removing excess skin and fat tissue.
  • With Liposuction: After excess fat tissue is removed by liposuction, skin tightening can be performed. It may be preferred in cases of milder sagging.
  • Laser or Radiofrequency: There are also non-invasive methods used for skin tightening, but they may not be as effective as surgical results.
Pre-Op Preparation
  • Patient Examination: Our experienced medical staff and your surgeon will perform a detailed examination with you before the surgery. During this examination, your general health condition, surgery history, and expectations are evaluated.
  • Smoking and Alcohol Use: You must stop smoking and drinking alcohol at least one week before the surgery. These substances can negatively affect the healing process.
  • Preoperative Instructions: Your doctor will give you instructions to follow before surgery. These instructions are usually given to support a safer and more successful surgery.
Postoperative Period
  • Recovery Process: After thigh lift surgery, there may be mild pain in the first days. However, these pains can be controlled with painkillers prescribed by the doctor. You should take care to rest in the first days.
  • Bathing and Hygiene: You may not need to take a bath for a few days after the surgery. Your doctor will give you instructions on this matter. It is important to keep your incisions clean and hygienic.
  • Work and Daily Activities: The recovery process may vary from person to person, but you can usually return to work within a week. However, you may need to avoid heavy physical activities.
  • Scars: There may be scars from the incisions made during surgery. However, these scars fade and become unclear over time. Scars are often hidden in body folds or beneath the underwear.

As a result of thigh lift surgery, the skin tightens, and a more aesthetic appearance is achieved. Skin sagging and looseness are eliminated, resulting in a smoother body shape. With a thigh lift, you'll have more clothing options and a more comfortable fit. Don't settle for less than the confidence you deserve. A thigh lift can help you feel more comfortable in your skin and shine in social situations. You can reach out to an IMI Consultant right now and get the legs you've always wanted and deserve.

Duration of Procedure
Hospitalization Duration
0 Days
7 Days
Return to Activities
2 Days
Complete Recovery
Anticipated Results
7 Days