Breast Uplift: Love Your Body, Lift Your Confidence

What is a Breast Uplift?

A Breast Uplift Operation is an aesthetic procedure done to correct the shape and the position of breasts that are sagged or deformed due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or aging. The operation aims to give breasts a firm and youthful appearance. Breast Uplift Operations are mostly preferred to fit the breasts to the body in an aesthetic balance.

Why Choose Breast Uplif?
Breast Uplift may be preferred due to these reasons:
  • Sagging: Factors like aging, breastfeeding, weight loss, and pregnancy may cause breasts to sag. Breast Uplift Surgery aims to bring an upright and younger appearance by lifting the sagging tissue.
  • Loss of Form: The shape of the breasts, congenitally or due to age, might deteriorate.
  • Asymmetry: One breast may be lower or in a different position than the other. This asymmetry can be corrected via Breast Uplift Operation.
How is it Done?

Breast Uplift Procedure is usually done under general anesthesia and operation duration may differ due to circumstances. Operation Methods may differ as listed below;

Anchor Method: In this method, an incision is made surrounding the nipples and extending downwards to the breast fold creating an upside-down T shape. Thanks to this, nipple height is adjusted, and sagging tissue is lifted.

Lollipop (Vertical) Method: A lollipop-shaped incision is made from the crease of the breast vertically and surrounds the nipple. This is a very effective lift for many women with low-hanging breasts.

Crescent Method: This technique involves a crescent of skin removed at the top of the nipple to improve the nipple position. This is the least invasive breast lift.

Considerations Before the Operation
  • Health Evaluation: Share your health status and your medical history with your surgeon. Make sure to mention any medication you take on the regular or previous health issues.
  • Expectations from the Operation: Be clear about your purpose or goals with this operation during your consultation with your surgeon. Make sure you do your due research before the operation to envision results and be able to explain your wishes.
  • Smoking and Drinking: Smoking or drinking before the operation may affect the healing process negatively. Try to cut back on these habits a month prior to the operation.
  • Contraceptives and Food/Vitamin Supplements: Do not use any medication or vitamin supplements before the operation without consulting your surgeon. Some substances may increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Nutrition and Diet: A balanced diet is crucial to support the healing process and to prepare the body for the operation.
  • Pre-Op and Treatment Plan: Comply with the pre-operative and post-operative treatment and healing plan given by your doctor.
Things to Consider After the Operation
  • Scar Care: Keep the operation incisions clean and dry per your doctor’s instructions. Using scar creams or lotions can improve the look of scar marks.
  • Medication: Use the painkillers and antibiotics that were prescribed by your surgeon regularly. Pay importance to taking the medication in instructed amounts and frequency.
  • Compression Garments: Wear the garments as instructed by your surgeon. This will help with the swelling and speed up healing.
  • Relaxation: Make sure you rest in adequate amounts after the operation. Your body needs time to heal.
  • Intense Physical Activity: For a while avoid participating in challenging physical activities or intense exercises.
  • Healthy Diet: Maintain a healthy diet to accelerate healing and strengthen the body.

Breast uplift is an aesthetic procedure that can help women achieve a more youthful and confident appearance. If you are considering breast uplift, contact IMI’s expert medical consultants and we will introduce you to our Qualified Plastic Surgeon who can help you achieve your goals. With careful planning and aftercare, breast uplift can be a safe and effective way to love your body and lift your confidence. Book your appointment NOW!

Duration of Procedure
Hospitalization Duration
0 Days
7 Days
Return to Activities
2 Days
Complete Recovery
Anticipated Results
7 Days