What is a Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is preferred if the breasts are larger than normal and saggy. In addition to aesthetic concerns, it can also be performed due to medical problems. The operation is generally preferred due to reasons such as sagging due to large breasts, not looking good, not being symmetrical, and clothing difficulties. For medical reasons, it is done to relieve shoulder, neck, and back pain that occurs due to the size of the breasts or to prevent hunchback.

Who is a Suitable Candidate?

Breast reduction surgery can be performed on people who experience physical discomfort or medical problems due to breast size. At the same time, individuals who limit their daily living activities due to their breast size may also be candidates for surgery. It can also be preferred in cases where the breast size is not suitable for the patient's body structure.

Surgery Methods

Breast reduction surgery can be performed using different methods. The two most commonly used methods are the "Lollipop" and "Inverted T" incision methods. In these methods, breast tissue and skin are removed and brought to the desired size and shape.

  • Lollipop Incision: In this method, the area around the nipple is cut circularly and breast tissue and excess skin are removed. The scars occur around the nipple and under the breast.
  • Inverted T Incision: An incision in the shape of an inverted T letter is made on the lower part of the breast. In this method, more tissue can be removed and the skin under the breast can be tightened. The scars occur under the breast and around the nipple.
Considerations Before and After the Operation
  • Health Assessment: Share your health history and current health condition with your doctor before surgery. Talk to your doctor if you have any health problems or medication use.
  • Surgery Expectations: Share your expectations clearly with your doctor. To obtain accurate results, clearly understand the postoperative appearance and the purpose of the surgery.
  • Smoking and Alcohol Use: Smoking and consuming excessive alcohol before surgery may negatively affect the healing process. Try to cut these habits before surgery if possible.
  • Medication and Vitamin Supplements: Do not use medications or vitamin supplements without your doctor's approval before surgery. Some substances may increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Nutrition: Pay attention to healthy nutrition. A balanced diet is important to support the healing process and prepare the body for surgery.
  • Treatment and Operation Plan: Comply with your doctor's preoperative and postoperative treatment plan. Get the recommended tests and complete the pre-operative preparations.
  • Scar Care: Keep your post-operative incisions clean and dry according to your doctor's recommendations. Using scar creams or lotions can improve the appearance of surgery scars.
  • Medication Use: Use painkillers and antibiotics regularly as prescribed by your doctor. Be careful to take medications at the dosage and frequency recommended by your doctor.
  • Compression Garments: Use compression garments as recommended by your doctor. These garments can reduce swelling and speed up the healing process.
  • Rest: Take care to get adequate rest after surgery. Your body needs a healing process.
  • Wound Care: Keep wound areas clean and dry after surgery. Take wound care as recommended by your doctor.
  • Avoid Heavy Exercises: Avoid heavy sports and exercises for a while after surgery. Do not start exercising again without your doctor's approval.
  • Healthy Diet: Maintain a healthy diet to support the healing process and strengthen the body.

As a result of breast reduction surgery, the patient's breasts have a smaller, symmetrical, and aesthetic appearance. Additionally, in cases where the surgery is performed for medical reasons, shoulder, neck, and back pain may be reduced and clothing difficulties may be eliminated. The post-operative recovery process may vary from person to person, but generally, it can take up to a year for the breasts to take their final shape. I you want to design your ideal breast size the way you want, waste no time and contact imi Medicals. With our all-inclusive medical packages, all you have to do is book your flight!

Duration of Procedure
Hospitalization Duration
0 Days
7 Days
Return to Activities
2 Days
Complete Recovery
Anticipated Results
7 Days